[GET] Free Email Scraper Wizard V0.6

Hey guys this update is to fix the Google search scraper since google did a few modifications to the way they report the urls. There is still an issue when the user want's to scrap a very large number of keywords (memory of the program gets overloaded because too many email addresses are stored), I've figured a way to fix that but will need to find a nice way to make the program to work before I release that fix (so try not to add 100,000 keywords). I will try to make a video to how to use the scraper for the next version since there are going to be some changes in the way stuff are reported for that version!

Easy to use
Allows multithreading
Can scrap from website or Google
Advanced scraping options for Google such as Google local and language support
Cooling down between searches to avoid IP bans on Google
Proxy support

How to use:
First you need to decide if you want to scrap emails from websites directly or just search Google
 If you decided to search websites then you need to enter (or load list from a txt file) a list of websites (one per line) in valid format (e.g)


If you decided to search Google then you need to enter (or load list from a txt file) a list of keywords (one per line)
Then you need to decide if you are going to scan complete websites (this is a crawler so its likely to go off a page as well and crawl other websites as well and never finish) so you will need to stop it manually. Or you can scan websites with depth. Depth starts from 0 which is the main website you entered (or the scraper found by searching Google), and every website it finds from there its 1 level higher. If you’ve set a level of two it will find emails up to websites found in the 2nd level.
By clicking settings you can select the number of threads and/or choose language and local versions of the Google search.
By clicking proxy (only available in v0.4b) you can choose to use a single proxy or a proxy list. Proxy list files need to be in a txt file in the standard form serverort (e.g. Proxy timeout can also be set from here. In this version of the software if a proxy doesn’t work for a website it is regarded as a non-working proxy and is not used again also the website it failed to scrap is scraped without a proxy.
Now you can just click start and watch the Email Scraper do its magic.

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